This movie is one of the loves of my life. I sometimes go through phases (when my kids aren’t here, of course) when I watch it daily. When I watched it at 13 or 14- and let me just say, I could not IMAGINE my 13 year-old watching this movie- I didn’t sleep for three months. There are a handful of movies I had to sleep with the lights on after watching for a good amount of time, but I remember this movie having the longest effect on me, as far as that goes. I’m not going to get into the cast and their performances and plot, as I’m pretty sure that, even if there is someone here hasn’t seen it, you know enough about it, or will at some point.
I feel that the acting by all the cast in this movie is stunning and memorable. Makes me feel guilty not going on about each one, even the supporting cast, but I won’t do that to you guys. Just a side note I must mention, though: My favorite quote from this movie is by the detective, played by Lee J. Cobb as Lt. William Kinderman: “Burke Dennings, good Father, was found at the bottom of those steps leading to M Street with his head turned completely around, facing backwards.”
I love the way he says, compleeeetely around… I always thought that quote and how it was delivered epitomizes the degree of violence of the story. For me, this movie is scary, grotesque, perverse and creepy as hell even for this generation. I can’t imagine how people must have reacted in 1973.
–Catherine Kincannon