Filming has officially wrapped on “Popularity Killer”! What an adventure the last seven days have been! Between generators not working and getting tickets for trespassing while filming (the less said about that the better…), anything that could happen…did. It was a crazy ride. A sliced finger and some bruises are just par of the “corpse”, right? Overall though, filming went incredibly smooth. We were able to film a 25 page dialogue heavy script in just under seven days and that in and of itself is a bit of a miracle. Keep a watch out for some more updates as we head into the editing stage within the next few weeks. For those of you are curious, check out some of the set pictures below. We made sure not to show too much of the deaths, we don’t want to give everything away. “Popularity Killer” will be premiering on February 10, 2012 at the Marcus Theater 16 in Appleton, WI. A HUGE thank you to the following people who helped out with the film. Whether it be cast or crew or funding we couldn’t have made this film without the following people:
Kristina Anderson
Courtney Ellen Bay
Jennifer Bartlein
Karen & Paul Braman
Carrie Brouillette
Jason Busse
William Callaway
Kyle Conn
Daniel Delaye
Matty Dorschner
Blair Drager
Malachi Emery
Jennifer Frey
Michael Goltz
Sara Haas
Hannah Herdt
Michael Hoffenkamp
Catherine Kincannon
Dana Michele
Jacob Pangburn
Sean Parker
Dan Roen
Jamie Jo Roen
J. Crayton Smith
Jay Sorensen
Brittany Wiedow
Stephanie Wolff