A KILLER “Dismembering Christmas” Special Thanks


We have a round of thank you to all of the amazing Dismembering Christmas contributors. Without you, this movie could have never been made. Below is the list of the backers who pledged $25 or more and will be credited in the end credits of the film. If you do not see your name in this list or there needs to be a correction, message us at info@slasherstudios.com and we will get it fixed ASAP. THANK YOU!!!

Ferdi Akkulak
Zachary Allen
Barney Alewine
Robert Alvarez
Juanita Baker
John Balis
Jeanne Bamberger
Michael Bamberger
Jenny Bartlein
Justin Bates
Andrew Beirl
Terry Beirl
Toni Beirl
Robin Biets
Cassandra Bilbee
Chantal Blackbird
Ryan Boswell
Kevin Bowerman
Jerry Bradshaw III
Karen Braman
Paul Braman
Oliver Brink
Jason Busse
Steve Camilli
Marc Cartwright
Andy Catsu
Kyle Conn
Douglas Conner
Jeremy Conner
Paul Counelis
Pam Crawford
Natalie Cusimano
Brian Doering
Jerry Driscoll
Scott Eckelberry
Herbert Eder
Sean Egan
Gary Eimiller
Laura Eimiller
Nick Ekum
Bryan Ellis
Troy Escamilla
Tommy Faircloth
Wayne Finlay
Vincent Franco
Ryan Fraser
Sara Fraser
JD Frew
Cassie Geiser
James Geraghty
Jay Gibbs
Simon Graves
Steven E. Green
Scott Gregg
Tim Hale
Ron Hanks
Brian Hannan
Robert Harkins
Jason Harlow
Johnny Hartman
Tony Hartman
Christopher Hatch
Jay Hawkinson
Joseph Henson
Austin Hinderliter
Jordan Hiller
Michael Hodgson
Matthew Hoffman
Bill Hollister
Donnie Hoover
John Huybrecht
Max Ingram
Tony Ingram
Nick Ivons
Brett Jansen
Jayme Karales
Shawn Kelley
Douglas Kent
Catherine Kincannon
Brandon Kinchen
Timothy James King
Matthew Knowles
Nicci Anderson Kostroski
Kristeen LaBrot
Daniel Lackey
Cody Landman
Michael Landon
Sean Leibin
Eric Lekberg
Carie Lotto
JP MacDonald
Kevin Marinier
Lee Marohn
Lucas Masson
Brandi McClammer
Mark McEntee
Shannon McInnis
Sally Medina
Stephen Milek
Maynard Morrissey
Noah Nicholas Nelson
Eric Nowak
Bill Nugent
Giancarlo Orellana
Patrick A Pena
Natalie Perrault
Kris Phipps
Billy “Bloody Bill” Pon
Kasey Poteet
Michael Prall
Brandon Prewitt
Dustin Putman
Jeff Quick
Steven Reeves
Bianca Reisner
Matthew Richard
Drew Rosas
Dan Rowland
Justin Russell
Alex Safronchik
Tim Schilling
Scott Schirmer
Trevor R Schmidt
Josh Schuh
Brennan Scott
Damian Serbu
Christian Siegel
Brady Simenson
Megan Slany
Quinn Sympson Smith
Nick Sommer
Jay Sorensen
Kate Snyder Spjute
Kevin Sproles
Jacque St John
Michael James Taylor
Thomas Townsend
Vincent Turner
Marla VanLanen
Michael Varick
Kim Vogel
Cody L. Wainscott
Jeramy Wainwright
Noel Wallace
John Ward
Brian Wasarovich
Tony Wash
Haydn Watkins
JR Watkins
Adam Weber
Martin Wendel
Ross Wilcock
Damian Wild
Moose Wildhagen
Luke Williams
Miles Wilson
Neil Wilson
Stephanie Wolff
David Zavala
William F. Zeman
Jason Zuleger
