Tim’s Horror Tweet Reviews: “The Amityville Horror” Double Feature (1979 & 2005)

Our resident Twitter reviewer Tim Schilling is back with a double feature this time of both the original “Amityville Horror” as well as the well liked Ryan Reynolds “Amitville Horror” remake. This is the first time we have down a twitter review double feature so let’s see how it goes and let’s see which one of the two horror flicks Tim thinks is a cut above the other.

The Amityville Horror (1979)
Thoughts before the film: Original ‪#TheAmityvilleHorror‬. The remake will be the next movie I watch. I have never seen either, haunted house movies aren’t my thing. Actually, that’s a lie. I’ve seen the ending to this movie a bunch of times. One of my earliest horror movie memories.

Thoughts while watching:
0:09 If the side of the house didn’t look like the freaking devil, I’d love to live in it.
0:16 Sneak into someone’s house, get attacked by flies. Karma, bitch.
0:17 That thing that screamed get out made me pee my pants. I dont do ghost movies cause they scare the shit outta me.
0:21 Dads in movies are always so brave to go down in the basement. Fuck that, I won’t go near the basement.
0:25 Little do they know, all the ghosties are watching them do the nasty.
0:29 If I wake up at 3:15 tonight I’m gonna cry.
0:34 Oh okay so my house used to have the same flooring as the house in this. Am I gonna be haunted tonight?
0:37 Nuns are overdramatic.
0:46 Nice headpiece.
0:48 Oh man she really wanted to get out of the closet. Her knuckles were bleeding after a minute.
1:00 George is getting a little grumpy.
1:10 This movie has way too much filler in it.
1:19 Jodi, your eyes scared me. You’re a jerk.
1:24 Hey lady you gotta pay for breaking my wall.
1:25 Oh no there’s something under the stairs. I need my dog right now.
1:28 Something as simple as turning the cross upside down is terrifying in this movie.
1:32 When horror goes all religion like, it freaks me out. I really don’t know why.
1:33 Like, that guy just went blind. What the heck! Que the creepy music.
1:34 Oh fuck me. Where were those drums coming from!?
1:36 Thank god my cat just came clawing at the door. He ain’t leaving my room.
1:47 What’s a pig doing in your house?
1:49 I bet they were waiting until the house started bleeding to finally decide to leave.
1:51 The dog asshole, get the dog!
1:53 It’s tar man from ROTLD!

Final Verdict:
After all of the horror movies that I have seen, ‪#TheAmityvilleHorror‬ is honestly one of the scariest. Even though it is really dated, it’s scarier than most crap that is made today.

The Amityville Horror (2005)
Thoughts before the film: Remake this time!

Thoughts while watching:
0:04 I can never take Ryan Reynolds seriously. I just always think of him in Waiting and Just Friends.
0:08 The house isn’t as creepy looking as in the original.
0:15 I like that they have the same mirror in the bedroom as the original, they were unique and weird looking.
0:18 But I don’t like, is that they’re actually showing the ghosts…
0:19 I find it hilarious that this little girl ends up playing the bad ass Hit Girl in Kick-Ass.
0:24 Fuck ghost movies, not this again!
0:31 LOL, this babysitter.
0:34 I wouldn’t be able to stay in a house where people were murdered at.
0:46 Um what are you doing on the roof?
0:50 What I like a lot about the remake, is that the kids play a bigger part than they did in the original.
0:57 You killed the dog, you’re dead to me.
1:03 The guy saying GEEET OUUUT in this one totally failed, no way did it match the original one.
1:11 Why do all remakes have to try to be stylish? They all look exactly the same.

Final Verdict:
‪#TheAmityvilleHorror‬ improved in some parts over the original a lot, which I thought was really good, but it went over the top when it tried to be as scary as the original. The entire ending didn’t work, & the fact you could see the ghosts this time made it less scary.

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios


Tim’s Horror Tweet Reviews: “Carrie” (1976)

I’m about to unveil a huge confession of mine that not many people know about me…I don’t like Brian DePalma’s “Carrie.” I think many of the performances are over-the-top, the direction is overdone and the characters are too obnoxious to really care about. I know that I am in the minority here but I thought I should let that all out there before we start in on a brand new tweet by tweet review from our resident Twitter horror critic Tim Schilling. Most horror fans consider the film to be a classic. Let’s find out what Tim thinks of it.

Thoughts before the film:
I’ve seen this movie a few times, but never all at once. I always saw it in parts because it got me mad at how plain mean it is. ‪#Carrie‬

Thoughts while watching:
0:06 I just feel so bad for Carrie, all the time.
0:07 I read the book Carrie, but don’t remember much. Is this movie a fairly good adaption?
0:12 People like mrs. White annoy the crap outta me. Don’t preach to me.
0:16 Does the doll of Jesus in the closest freak anyone else out or am I the only one?
0:17 Thanks for locking me up in the closest mama.
0:26 This has some great music.
0:28 I wish the gym teacher slapped that bitch harder.
0:32 John travolta is pretty goofy looking.
0:35 How can she be talking while she’s goin down there!?
0:45 Prom? *cue thunder*
0:46 Everything is a sin to this bitch.
0:49 Notice how in older movies you can sneak into a school no problem,but now if you go near one at night the swat team is called.
0:53 “I can see your dirty pillows” they’re boobies mama.
1:07 I just wanna have prom again pls.
1:17 I honestly feel so bad for Carrie. This is why this movie makes me mad.
1:21 I’m glad your car flipped over and blew up.
1:30 Getting stabbed to death is turning this crazy woman on.
1:33 Creepy Jesus doll is creepy.
1:35 She’s a senior in high school, how is she gonna forget that all of her friends were killed at prom?

I guess as a film, ‪#Carrie‬ was good, but the whole story just upsets me in general. Why are people so fucked up. I’m upset after just watching it haha, but I thought it was made very well!

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios


Tim’s Slasher Tweet Reviews: “Silent Night Deadly Night” (1984)

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July and kept the gore on the screen with no real life accidents. With that holiday now complete, what else can we celebrate at Slasher Studios? Christmas in July!!! Who doesn’t love watching a gory Christmas movie when it is 90 degrees outside and you don’t want to leave your air conditioned house? To celebrate Christmas in July our resident Twitter reviewer Tim Schilling is taking a look at the controversial “Silent Night Deadly Night.” It’s going to be a blood red Christmas…five months early.

Thoughts before the film:
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it before, and I remember getting mad at the movie cause it upset me or something. I’m not sure if it was this, or another movie with a killer Santa Clause… but there aren’t many of those. #SilentNightDeadlyNight

Thoughts while watching:
0:07 Grandpa takes this whole Santa Clause thing pretty serious.
0:12 I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t help a guy dressed up as Santa in the middle of nowhere.
0:14 This kid was a baby when his parents were killed, how could he be messed up?
0:16 Oh this kid wasn’t the baby. they made it look like it was though!
0:19 Nuns are wack, they were just having some fun!
0:21 ‘Mother Superior’ is a total bitch. Aren’t nuns supposed to be nice?
0:24 Billy to Santa, pow right in the kisser!
0:28 When billy is shown working at the toy store: I feel like I’m watching a bad 80’s tv show opening credits.
0:37 I hope Mother Superior died over the 10 year gap. What a bitch.
0:39 I wanna spend my Christmas Eve in a toy store getting drunk.
0:45 Billy and Darth Vader are the same person.
0:48 I think it’s hard to find a slasher movie that doesn’t have some sort of reference to Psycho.
0:57 Everyone blame the cat for getting that girl killed.
1:00 Billy you sicko. Why would a girl want a knife for Christmas!
1:07 The police office has to be the same building they used for the police office in The Walking Dead!
1:09 Oh hey Mother Superior, you’re still alive I see. I can’t wait until billy gets here.
1:13 Why would you hire a deaf guy to be Santa? He can’t hear what all the kids want!
1:21 Oh come on! He was about to chop mother Superior right in half!
1:22 So is the sequel gonna be about all of the kids in the orphanage going on a killing spree dressed as Santa?

Pretty much loved #SilentNightDeadlyNight, for how messed up is was, I had so much fun watching it! It’s a movie that you can’t really explain, it’s one you’ve got to see for yourself.

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios


Tim’s Slasher Tweet Reviews: “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2” (1986)

Our resident Twitter reviewer Tim Schilling is back with another slasher review, this one for the underappreciated sequel “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2.” The first one was a huge hit with both horror fans and critics alike receiving rave reviews and huge box office ($30 million on a budget of less than $1 million is pretty damn impressive). Will the dark comedy of the sequel sit well with Tim or will he “buzz” it to shreds?

Thoughts before the film:
I watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the first time (don’t judge) a few weeks ago & LOVED it, I hope #TheTexasChainsawMassacre2 holds up!

Thoughts while watching:
0:02 Why did I not know Tom Savini did the makeup for this!? I love him.
0:03 So far, I’m diggin this music. A lot.
0:06 I have a feeling… That these guys are gonna die.
0:10 This bridge is pretty damn long.
0:19 That chili looks terrifying.
0:19 …and there was a tooth in it.
0:24 I’m not sure if the guy selling the chainsaws was scared or getting turned on by the cop…
0:36 This guy in the radio station is seriously freaking me out. Why is he lighting the hanger!?
0:36 Is he one of the brothers from the first movie? I can’t remember.
0:37 Never mind. I always answer my own question.
0:46 Hey stupid bitch, you’ve had like ten minutes to run away now.
0:48 This girl must have watched a lot of horror movies. She knew that if she called the cops, they would do nothing.
1:02 No way is he still alive. He got beat with a hammer, his face ripped off and most of his skin ripped off. Bs.
1:19 How is grandpa still alive!?
1:26 That chicken shit burrito man!
1:29 Why is Bill Moseley so good in this movie?
1:31 No Leatherface. You have a chainsaw in your stomach. You can’t fight anymore.

#TexasChainsawMassacre2 had a very different feel from the first one but in this case it worked. It was creepy, funny & I liked the story a lot. I also thought it was shot very well, like the first. I liked the lighting and the sets were really cool.

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios


Tim’s Slasher Tweet Reviews: “Urban Legend” (1998)

After a week of working on the Slasher Studios short film Blood Brothers (more news as well as pics on this in a bit), we are back with a brand new Slasher Studios tweet by tweet review from the one and only Tim Schilling. Today Tim is taking a look at the 1998 slasher “Urban Legend.” The film preformed moderately at the box office ($38 million on a $15 million budget) but has been seemingly forgotten by horror fans. How does this little slasher flick hold up 14 years later?

Thoughts before the film:
I actually haven’t see this movie yet. I liked the sequel, so I’m assuming I’ll like this one? #UrbanLegend

Thoughts while watching:
0:01 How did I not know that many people were in this movie!?
0:08 The legend this first kill was based off of always scares the crap outta me and always has. I have no idea why.
0:16 What kind of college do I gotta go to to take a class about urban legends?
0:20 They actually made that seem like he was gonna blow up instead of making it obvious that it was faked.
0:27 Never trust a guy with bleached hair.
0:31 What legend was Damon’s kill based off of?
0:40 What a stupid hoe. You can’t tell that someone is getting strangled 10 feet from you?
0:50 This movie reminds me a lot of Scream for some reason. Anyone else get that feeling too?
1:04 This school has an abnormally large amount of goths.
1:07 Fuck you, the dog did nothing. I hate when movies kill animals just to shock you
1:12 Can’t tell if Tera Reid is annoying or actually good in this movie…
1:16 How you gon explain that dead body in your car dude.
1:29 They said the titles they said the title!
1:30 Not really feeling the motive behind all the killings.
1:32 Honestly, this movie is just like Scream.

#UrbanLegend had a great story that was actually very interesting and smart, similar to Scream. And kind of creepy some points.

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios


Tim’s Slasher Tweet Reviews: “Leprechaun 4: In Space” (1997)

Our resident twitter reviewer Tim Schilling is back battling the evil leprechaun, this time in space!, with a brand new tweet by tweet review for “Leprechaun 4: In Space.” Campy, over-the-top, and with graphics that make SYFY look like Avatar, it seems to be just what the doctor ordered with this series. Nevertheless, does it get “too” goofy so that we now longer care? Let’s dig in and find out!

Thoughts before the film:
I’ve been looking forward to this movie since I started watching this series again. Also its the last 1 I own,& I dont like the series enough to buy the last 2. Even tho itll bother me that I dont own 2 of them. #Leprechaun4

Thoughts while watching:
0:01 Oh god these animations… Syfy does a better job.
0:03 ….what’s on this guy’s head.
0:06 I actually liked Jason X, so if this is at least similar to it, since it’s going in the future and all, I’ll be happy.
0:12 The leprechaun even has a light saber now. He is definitely a Jedi master.
0:15 I wanna know who’s idea it was to have someone get shocked by peeing on the leprechaun’s detached arm.
0:19 I won’t ask why there’s a night club on a space ship with ~20 people on it.
0:23 Why isn’t the leprechaun rhyming?
0:28 Katy Perry would definitely play the princess if they remake this movie.
0:32 The ship carries hazmat suits in size leprechaun?
0:36 I’d love to read the script to this movie. It must be absolutely ridiculous.
0:49 Did Shakespeare really say shit happens?
0:58 I can see where the prosthetics begin and it’s the only thing I can look at now on the captain.
1:08 Don’t be a drag just be a queen.
1:19 Bimbo from hell. You mean Princess Peach?
1:31 The leprechaun can’t be alive after this movie.

#Leprechaun4 wasn’t as fun to watch as the others. I think I got sick of the obvious inconsistencies and just lazy filmmaking finally.

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios


Tim’s Slasher Tweet Reviews: “Leprechaun 3” (1995)

Our resident twitter reviewer Tim Schilling is back with the luck of the Irish with a brand new tweet by tweet review for “Leprechaun 3.” Many fans have called this one the best of the entire series but, looking at the series as a whole, that might not be enough to save it. This time the leprechaun is in Vegas. Does he get lucky? And does Tim get lucky with this movie?

Thoughts before the film:
Really gonna try to finish this series up as fast as possible…

Thoughts while watching:
0:02 Vegas baby.
0:04 I won’t question how the leprechaun turned into stone since the last movie.
0:08 That was a total lie. This girl has blown plenty of rods.
0:09 This damn leprechaun is ALWAYS one shilling short.
0:22 I wonder what it means to be 20 pounds younger.
0:25 This leprechaun is obviously a Jedi.
0:28 I don’t get it, how could someone be so stupid that they would bet 23k on their first time at the casino?
0:38 The leprechaun is best friends with Elvis.
0:56 Do leprechauns really like potatoes this much?
1:04 She looked better before she wished to look sexy…
1:08 Big booty bitches. That’s something they should say in the In Da Hood movies.
1:12 For pulling this trick, I’ll chop off your dick!
1:14 I highly doubt anything those doctors just was was correct.
1:21 It saddens me when the leprechaun doesn’t rhyme.
1:26 I gotta say, that death scene was pretty nasty. And not the good nasty.
1:28 Hey stunt wires I see you.

I feel the same about #Leprechaun3 as I do the others in the series. A lot of fun to watch, but there’s nothing really special about them

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios


Tim’s Slasher Tweet Reviews: “The Broken” (1998)

Our resident twitter reviewer Tim Schilling has been loving the After Dark Horror Collection so far with at least fairly positive reviews for Slaughter, The Hamiltons, and Autopsy. Today Tim is taking a stab at The Broken, a psychological horror movie that received solid reviews from critics but less than favorite marks from critics. Let’s dig into this tweet by tweet review to see which side of the horror fence he lands up on.

Thoughts before the film:
Not too sure what #TheBroken is even about. But I gotta watch it!

Thoughts while watching:
0:11 The Broken… Mirror.
0:14 This movie should be called The Broken Mirrors cause that’s all that has happened so far.
0:30 The Boring.
0:38 Along with showing about 5 mirrors break, they have showed the SAME car crash about 5 times now to
0:50 Something happen already.
1:05 How was this movie part of the After Dark Horrorfest? Besides that one scene with way too much blood, this is a drama.
1:20 This movie is almost over and basically nothing has happened. This tweet review is gonna be lame.
1:24 I guess the twist ending was kinda smart for the movie, but it doesn’t make up for the rest of it.

#TheBroken is the first movie from After Dark Horrorfest that I didn’t care for. The film was shot great, but the story was painfully boring

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios


Tim’s Slasher Tweet Reviews: “Leprechaun 2” (1994)

Now for the second half of our Irish double feature as our Twitter reviewer Tim Schilling brings you a tweet by tweet review of “Leprechaun 2.” Tim admired the corniness of the original but will the sequel be just as fun or has the joke run its course? Hopefully for Tim’s sake, it’s still fun. He still has at least two more movies to watch in the franchise…

Thoughts before the film:
Gonna brave it out a second night in a row and watch #Leprechaun2. So what’s everyones’ take on this series, really bad continuity, a different leprechaun every movie, or something else?

Thoughts while watching:
0:08 What’s wrong Jenny, too good for sequels?
0:16 I’m not sure what this haunted tour thing is all about, but I’d kill to go on one!
0:20 Super charged leprechaun in this one.
0:21 If I have teeth nightmares I’ll know why.
0:24 How can there be 6 seatbelt violations if there were only 5 people in the car!
0:30 I bought you chili dogs, why won’t you sleep with me?
0:32 No wonder why this guy is in Harry Potter, he already is a wizard in this movie.
0:46 Let leprechaun crossed his fingers, we got a badass here.
0:51 The leprechaun really is creepy looking in this one, I’m not too sure what about him though.
0:54 No drinking & levitating.
1:08 “the whole town is looking for you” But he didn’t do anything…
1:11 This movie is the ultimate corn of corny movies. Well, one of the most at least.
1:20 Bridget has such an annoying voice.

I liked #Leprechaun2 more than the 1st. Though the inconsistencies it had were ridiculous,it flowed better than the 1st & was a little funny.

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios


Tim’s Slasher Tweet Reviews: “Leprechaun” (1993)

Today for you slasher fans we have a special double feature of the luck of the Irish. First off, we have our resident Twitter reviewer Tim Schilling with a brand new tweet by tweet review for the one and only “Leprechaun.” Is it worth your time or has your luck just ran out?

Thoughts before the film:
I’ve actually never sat down and watched this entire movie. I’ve only seen parts. Maybe parts is enough. I saw most of three and actually liked that one too but it’s been a while. I’ll be watching the first 4 over the next week or so. #Leprechaun

Thoughts while watching:
0:10 Continuity people, geez!
0:12 If only Jennifer Aniston was still this young…
0:15 “Oh, you mean this place here?” You mean the house I just watched you walk out of?
0:18 You’re like 4 years old, do you even know what beer is?
0:22 Why I’m a leprechaun!
0:28 Ozzy is in the running for the most stupid movie character ever.
0:33 Whoever did the killings is back because they like it it. How did this not win the Oscar?
0:31 Jennifer, you SAW Nathan walk away. How would he get under the truck!?
0:33 A leprechaun on a tricycle is terrifyingly… Funny.
0:37 This dude isn’t a leprechaun, he’s a vampire.
0:46 He realized he was ugly as fuck.
0:51 Why would you even paint your house that shade of blue…
0:55 But why is it daytime outside when it was just the middle of the night?
1:00 I wish I had a cell phone like that. I didn’t even know they had phones back then…
1:02 Come on Jen you met these people just earlier today, don’t be such a bitch.
1:05 “me golden delicious gold” why did this not win the Oscar for best screenplay.
1:10 I may have actually just jumped when the leprechaun came through the floor… Don’t tell anyone.
1:26 I bet this kid needed to get permission to swear from his parents.

At least #Leprechaun was entertaining to watch. It’s cornyness is what is going to keep the movie known and talked about and not be forgotten like a lot of ‘good’ movies are.

To follow Tim on twitter: https://twitter.com/schillingt
To follow Slasher Studios on twitter: https://twitter.com/slasherstudios
