Ambitious “Gut” is Too Redundant to be Satisfying Horror Meal

Not knowing much about Gut before going into this film, I went in hoping for a hidden gem. Unfortunately, I found no such thing. Even at 90 minutes, this film ran too long as the characters seemed to have the same conversations, in the same locations, over and over again. I felt like I was watching a really bad Seinfeld episode as they spent every other scene at the diner. A wider location search would have been beneficial.

Gut revolves around Tom and Dan. Best buds since high school who ended up working at the same job with neighboring cubicles. Dan invites Tom over to watch a new DVD that he just ordered. As the two watch on, the DVD is of a man slicing open a naked girl who is strapped to a table. Both are more into the film then they let on, and the images keep popping into Tom’s head in tortuous, yet oddly erotic ways.

The director, who just goes by Elias, has a story here that could be worth telling. But, after trudging through the amateur acting and the repetitiveness of it all, audience members of Gut will be twiddling their fingers waiting for the conclusion. The production value was not bad, it’s just the running time and the lack of excitement throughout the film that creates some thoughts of what could have been. I’m always up to watch some low budget films, so I must applaud this “Elias” for his diligence in completing this project. If you are in the mood for a slow and steady pace and some torture porn DVDs, then by all means, go with your gut.



1 thought on “Ambitious “Gut” is Too Redundant to be Satisfying Horror Meal

  1. I will agree alot of it took longer than it should have to developed, we got pretty quickly what the relationship was like between the friends, at home with his wife and the slump the main character was in. I may have served better as a short film than feature length.

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